
Supplier Info

Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

Please click here to read Pacbrake’s Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

Supplier Performance

Using the Supplier Assessment Questionnaire, Pacbrake rates all suppliers on the Critical Supplier List.

This Supplier Assessment does not apply to:

1. Non-Critical Suppliers: A supplier which supplies a peripheral product or service which does not directly impact the quality of the final product and does not directly install on an engine or vehicle.

2. One-time purchases from suppliers that have been approved by a member of the management team on the basis of one or more of the following:

  • supplier’s past performance in areas of quality, delivery and price
  • supplier’s registration to an international recognized standard
  • an on-site visit conducted by qualified Pacbrake personnel
  • market research and checking of references
  • management directive

If additional purchases are required from an ‘unrated supplier’, a Supplier Assessment Questionnaire shall be sent out or an onsite follow-up/familiarization visit is performed with a Supplier Assessment Questionnaire completed.

Assessing Critical Suppliers

The following steps are required to assess critical suppliers on the Supplier Rating Sheet:

1.  Performance Rating
2.  Quality System & Quality Performance Rating
3.  The Performance Rating & Quality Rating are averaged together for an Overall rating

On-Going Performance

As part of the regular inventory meetings, a critical supplier review shall be conducted as follows:

  • Suppliers are reviewed for performance and quality system
  • Be performed in order to review the entire Critical Supplier List perpetually
  • Review all problem suppliers
Outside Laboratories & Calibration Services

Approved outside laboratories for testing and calibration services are requested to supply their certificate of registration confirming their ability to perform traceable testing and calibration to an international/national standards such as ASTM or equivalent.

Unacceptable Suppliers

Suppliers with a Supplier Evaluation Rating of 4 or less are considered unsuitable for Pacbrake Company purchases.

Supplier Code of Ethics

Pacbrake’s Supplier Code of Ethics: Standards & Expectations for all businesses providing products/services to Pacbrake Company Ltd.
Pacbrake’s Supplier Code of Ethics: Standards & Expectations for all Tier-1 Suppliers.

CSR/Sustainability Requirements

Pacbrake Company is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of our operations. Our CSR/Sustainability Requirements outlines our commitments and guidelines regarding data protection and data security, financial responsibility, disclosure of information, fair competition and anti-trust, counterfeit parts, export controls and economic sanctions, and whistleblowing and protection against retaliation.