
Pacbrake Blog


Pacbrake Is An Industry Leader In World Class Vehicle Technologies

July 12, 2014

When it comes to vehicle technologies, Pacbrake has evolved into one of the most reliable solutions providers in the industry. A multitude of factors come into play in making this happen, but the most significant of these include the fact that they stock products that actually work. In addition to that, they also do a very good job of providing excellent customer service and also keeping abreast with cutting edge technologies. The products that they stock and which have made…

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Understanding The Air Intake Shut Off Valve

July 12, 2014

Also known as ASOV, AISV, ESD or emergency shutdown valves, air intake shutoff valves are systems that allows for emergency over speed shutdown and protection for diesel engines. They are by far the most efficient systems are used to prevent engines getting into runway situations today. The valve fully cuts off uncontrolled fuel source from external sources to the engine and air that is required to keep the engine running. Other common brands in this country include Chalwyn, AMOT, Roda Deaco…

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What Parts Are Usually Needed For On-Board Air System Installation?

July 12, 2014

One of the most frequently asked question by the customers where on-board air system installation is concerned is to do on the parts that are mostly needed. This might seem an obvious question, but there are many variables to an onboard air system. For instance, most people simply want an air compressor system that can quickly get air into their tires while travelling. Others want to run air lockers, in addition to inflating the tires. Whichever the case, they all…

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